山中漆器のろくろの技術を活かした可愛らしいデザインのカップができました!ネーミングの由来になっている「SUWARI」はグラスに注いだお酒を空気に触れさせる(スワリング)ことでお酒の香りを立たせる仕草です。素材は欅の木を厚くくり抜き、木の重さで起き上がる構造にし、底が微妙に丸くなっているので、しばらくの間ゆらゆらと揺れるデザインになっています。下地は漆下地で5回ほど錆漆で塗っては研ぎを繰り返し、丈夫な漆の膜ができています。陽炎塗は造語になるのですが、三本の刷毛を使って境目をぼかす「ぼかし塗」と和ろうそくの煤を付ける「叢雲塗」を合わせた塗り方です。写真の映りこみがあるほど光沢のある漆で塗って硬化させることで、さらに高級感を感じる仕上がりです。これから夜が長くなるそんなひと時に、こちらのカップでくつろぐ時間を愉しんでいただけたらと思います。This is a colonised, raised, lacquered cup [SUWARI Kagerou-nuri].Kagerou-nuri is a coined term, but it is a lacquering technique combining "Bokashi-nuri", which uses three brushes to blur the borders, and "Murakumo-nuri", which adds soot from Japanese candles.It is painted with lacquer that is so shiny that it reflects photographs and is hardened, giving it an even more luxurious finish.We hope that you will enjoy relaxing with this cup in those moments when the nights are getting longer from now on.※The rounded part of the log is a mark for sawing, and only about 10 pieces can be taken from a log sectionMaterial: zelkovaPainting: Lacquer coating, brush coating, Japanese candleSize: Diameter 8.2cm x Height 7.5cmBox: Cosmetic box[About how to use][1] Please avoid soaking in hot water for a long time.[2] After use, wash with a soft object such as a sponge and wipe off the moisture immediately.[3] Do not use a microwave oven, oven, dish dryer, or washing machine.[4] If you are concerned about the smell of lacquer, leave it in a well-ventilated place for several days, or blanch it 2-3 times.