四葉のクローバーシリーズはmimi-puchiの大切な人が入院した時に、作家として自分には何ができるだろう?と考えてできたデザインです。(その人は無事元気になりました)The four-leaf clover series was inspired by the story of mimi-puchis loved one who was hospitalized.When her loved one was hospitalized, she wondered what she could do as an artist. (The person is now in good health.) The design was created by thinking about what I, as an artist, could do.(She is now in good health.)クローバーの花言葉は「約束」「幸運」「誠実」「私を思って」 です。お客様に幸せを届けたくてクローバーも心を込めて作りました。自分へのご褒美、大切な人へのお見舞い、出産祝いなどにおすすめです。The words of clover in the language of flowers are "promise," "good luck," "sincerity," and "think of me. I made the clover with all my heart to bring happiness to our customers.We recommend it as a reward for yourself, a sympathy gift for your loved ones, or a birthday gift.